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General Catalog 583-04
Cable operated level indicator, reduced path

  • Convenient to a large range of fluids 
  • Easy to install 
  • Reduced path for ruler indication 
  • Guided float 
  • Adjustable switches in option 
  • Continuous level transmitter in option 
  • Scale orientation

The float, suspended to a cable supported with 2 pulleys, drives a balance weight inside the external guiding support made of PVC.
The balance weight is suspended to a third pulley in order to reduce at half the path.
It has a built in magnet to operate the level switches or a continuous level 4-20 mA transmitter (optional accessories).
The float exists in PPh or stainless steel 316L. It moves along two cables inside the tank to avoid damage or to loose it with fluid turbulences.


For all level indication on very large height tanks or to reduce indication support length on top of a tank.

General Catalog 583-04
17/04/2018 11:31
Cable operated level indicator, reduced path
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22, Rue de la Voie des Bans
Parc d'activités de la Gare
95100 ARGENTEUIL France
Tel: +33 1 30 25 83 20
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TVA Intra: FR 08 314 055 864
APE: 2651 B
Capital: 400 000 Euros
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